Quality Improvement Consulting

Innovative Quality Improvement for Birth & Midwifery

I provide quality improvement consulting for midwifery organizations, hospitals, health systems, governments, and more.


Program Design

Consensus Building

Stakeholder Group Facilitation

Knowledge Translation


Current & Past Projects

Oregon Perinatal Collaborative I worked with the Oregon Perinatal Collaborative to create the Community Birth Transfer Partnership, a statewide community birth to hospital transfer improvement initiative. This work included survey and focus group research to inform program development. I continue to coordinate the Community Birth Transfer Partnership.

Oregon Midwifery Council I led the Oregon Midwifery Council in the development of a comprehensive statewide quality improvement program for community birth midwives that includes: data collection and annual benchmarking; hospital relationship and transfer improvement; targeted continuing education; sentinel event review; new midwife welcome packet; development of community standards; development of informed choice documents; and a concern process.

California Association of Licensed Midwives I provide consultation to the California Association of Licensed Midwives on quality improvement and targeted continuing education. I have provided trainings on sentinel event review and charting.

Intermittent Auscultation in Community Birth Consensus Workgroup I facilitate a consensus workgroup of midwifery educators, midwifery leaders, and quality improvement experts who are creating consensus guidelines for intermittent auscultation in the home birth and birth center settings.